The Frost team are very happy to introduce a brand new product to you which is exclusive to us; it will solve many problems you may have with Ethanol.
"Petrol containing ethanol is potentially harmful to the fuel systems of the majority of vehicles operated by FBHVC members. The dangers of corrosion and degradation of materials used in the fuel systems of historic vehicles have been highlighted by the CONCAWE organisation. There are no benefits to FBHVC members from the inclusion of ethanol in petrol, and in general, the higher the ethanol content the greater the concerns" (see FBHVC website).
In response to a FBHVC call, Frost is proud to introduce a new additive to protect against the harmful impact of Ethanol blended petrol. Frost Ethomix additive will combat the significant damage Ethanol blended fuel can cause to cars, motorcycles and non-road equipment that do not have compatible fuel systems. Ethomix is formulated to prevent corrosion in fuel systems and internal engine components, gum and resin build-up, clogged carburettors, injectors, filters and fuel lines, plus aggravation of water and moisture problems in fuel storage or unused engine situations.
More information about the Frost Ethomix Additive, click here...
More information about Ethanol Damages, click here...